Gypsy is my best friend in the whole wide world. A rolley-polley, scrunchy-faced ole' Bulldog! She sure can snore at night too!!! And talk about hogging the bed...she'll take over the whole thing and shove you onto the hardwood floor.
I'm not really sure if the story is all true, but it sounds good anyway...I told my ole' Gyspy that when it came time to sew her nose on, they had completely run out of anything resembling a nose. So everyone was looking everywhere for a anything that looked like a nose, but none could be found! Finally someone spotted an old Navy pea coat hanging in the corner. Well, they ran over to the old Navy pea coat and 'plucked-off one of its buttons and declared, "Well, I guess that this button will just have to do for a nose." That button for a nose has worked just fine all these years....
The American Staffordshire Terrier originated from breedings of the old English Bulldog and one or more game English terriers. The qualities of strength, courage, loyalty, trustworthiness and companionship have made this an enduring breed and part and parcel of American history and legend. The American Staffordshire served its country during WWI, with "Stubby" becoming the most decorated war dog and earning the rank of sergeant.
During the breed's early years of AKC competition, an engaging group of kids entertained American children. These "Little Rascals," (or "Our Gang") had a constant pal in "Pete," their black-eyed Staff, also claimed as a Pit Bull.
The modern version of the breed is affectionate and reliable with people and, in fact, the high tolerance which served them well in the blood sport gives them unusual patience with children. They barely notice an infant chewing on their ear or a toddler playing "horsie." An occasional bump with a crutch or wheelchair is taken with good humor, making them good companions for the handicapped.
Their coat requires only a couple swipes with the brush to stay neat. The breed has an uncanny ability to discern between friend and foe. All these qualities, plus their robust good health, make them a good choice whether on farms or in apartments.
Well, Gypsy is brindle in color...some people thinks she looks almost like a Tiger, her stripes sure look cool!
Gyspy weighs 65 pounds, and she is just a big baby...just good for hugging and loving...and that's exactly what a pet is for!!!
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Gypsy says, "Please send me some email!!!"
This was a Scrunchy-Faced Bulldog production